terça-feira, 28 de julho de 2009


Today I felt you!
I was playing piano...
and you were playing with me,
You knew that my inspiration was you...
you silly man...
you know that I need you with me...
if you didn't existed, I'd ran!
Because I need you everyday..
every hour...
That's why I pray...
so that you be with me...
By soul... or in my heart!
I will not let you apart!
I love you my dear friend! <3
thank you very much...
for the inspiration, and satisfation...
for the good times... and for the bad times...
so, please, just rush! ;)
Because you read all my lines!
you feel all my fears...
you try to resolve my problems...
you try to dry my tears...
And I'm very pleased, by your help....
This is just a little poem...
That I write to you...
My lovely friend, you...


segunda-feira, 27 de julho de 2009

What makes me happy when I'm sad?? Oo

Well... I'll tell you...
What makes me glad, and takes thoose tears off my face...
It's by dancing and singing...
If I'm crying, I listen to a song called "Smile"...
Look at the name of the song :) you know what I'm talking about xD
When... like he says "Smile... what's the use of crying..."
and that's true! ^^
Why do you cry?
I think that, people should smile more a little often...
People should be so happy with the things they have... Between them: Family, Friends, Job, School (...etc...)
Well.... That's what I think about this..
Don't you agree?

If you disagree, that's okay, because this is just an opinion.. xD

Well... Got to go...
I have to pratice my new music for my band Crimson Gardens :D (piano song ^^)
It's very beautiful...
Thank you my beautiful person that give me inspiration! <3>

domingo, 26 de julho de 2009

New Lyric for my band "Crimson Gardens" <8


Silently, I hear your voice,
Happy, I smile though you went away,
Because I didn't had no choice...
And I lift my chin proudly and say:

You're simply mine!
No one can tear us apart!
you're not a waste of time,
Because you're a part of my heart!

One day, I'll scream my name,
another day, I'll scream yours and pray!
But now, look what Ive became...
Still I lift my chin proudly and say:

You're simple mine!
No one can tear us apart!
You're not a waste of time!
Because you're a part of my heart!

I looked at you,
and you looked at me for a long time...
And you break it trough...
Approuching your beautiful face
Full of joy and grace...
And we feel in heaven, and I'll say:

You're simple mine!
No one can tear us apart!
You're not a waste of time!
Because you're a part of my heart!

---------------------------------------- =) --------------------------------
Dedicated to a very special person <3
I will not say who it is... Discover yourself if you want... He is my inspiration...

sábado, 25 de julho de 2009

My favorite sentence! <3

"Eyes are blind, you have to look with the heart, what's most important is what is Invicible"

Second song that I love of Michael Jackson <3


Your love is magical, that's how I feel

But I have not the words here to explain

Gone is the grace for expressions of passion

But there are worlds and worlds of ways to explain

To tell you how I feel But I am speechless, speechless

That's how you make me feel

Though I'm with you I am far away and nothing is for real

When I'm with you I am lost for words, I don't know what to say

My head's spinning like a carousel, so silently I pray

Helpless and hopeless, that's how I feel inside

Nothing's real, but all is possible if God is on my side

When I'm with you I am in the light where I cannot be found

It's as though I am standing in the place called

Hallowed Ground Speechless, speechless, that's how you make me feel

Though I'm with you I am far away and nothing is for real

I'll go anywhere and do anything just to touch your face

There's no mountain high I cannot climb I'm humbled in your grace

Speechless, speechless, that's how you make me feel

Though I'm with you I am lost for words and nothing is for real

Speechless, speechless, that's how you make me feel

Though I'm with you I am far away, and nothing is for real

Speechless, speechless, that's how you make me feel

Though I'm with you I am lost for words and nothing is for real

SpeechlessYour love is magical, that's how I feel

But in your presence I am lost for words Words like, like... "I love you."

sexta-feira, 24 de julho de 2009

My favorite song of Michael Jackson <3


Smile, though your heart is aching
Smile, even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky
You'll get by...
If you smile
With your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just...

Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be ever so near
That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just...

Smile, though your heart is aching
Smile, even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky
You'll get by...

If you smile
Through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile...

That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile

quarta-feira, 22 de julho de 2009

Thinking...And expressing!

I'm sitting here...
In my chair, thinking...
with Classic music to hear...
I'm Joyful and I'm singing...
With my eyes closed...
For your whisper,
for your touch...
Oh.. My little Angel...
Kindly, you reach your hand...
And you, gently, touched mine...
Oh... I know that you'll help my band...
in every line!
in every dispear!
So..I'm very awear...
I think... and think.. and think...
God! I'm such naive!
I only draw, write and sing...
But still...
I'm not an professional...
That's what I want to be, and I will!

† Jackson Child †

segunda-feira, 20 de julho de 2009


Vejamos... À 2 semanas atrás morreu um excelente cantor e músico... Um homem que entretia o Mundo inteiro! Só com uns passos de dança, as pessoas ficavam derretidas... enfim...
A sua voz quando cantava ao vivo.. parecia a de um anjo...
Ele.. que ajudou milhares de criancinhas por todo o mundo..
Ele... que deu a mão por todos...
Ele que escrevia lindissimas canções, com paixão!
Muitas pessoas não viam isso... A bondade que ele tinha... A compaixão! O carinho...
Enfim... existem tantas pessoas desonestas e ignorantes... Tantas... que até nem se sabe o que fazer...
No dia 25 de Junho pelas 10h da manhã, o Rei da Pop morreu com um ataque cardiaco...
Mas... será que foi um suicidio? Ou um homicidio?
Pois... Proibiram de dar uma droga muito perigosa chamada "Demerol"!
A sua mulher, Debbie, recusou em dar-lhe essa droga...
Michael, cheio de agonia, pede a um médico... e esse "inteligente" (ou não!) deu-lhe!
Michael morreu e ninguém mais viu o médico que lhe tinha dado aquela droga...
Cá para mim... O médico matou Michael Jackson...
Não terá sido coincidência? Hm?
Do tipo... Michael morreu devido a drogas...
Bastou uma, para lhe matar?
Acho que não.. acho que lhe deram mais... e misturaram diversas drogas para ocorrer aquilo...
Não acham que estou certa?
Se não... podem dizer...
Ah! E não foi só as drogas...
Foram também aquelas "parasitas vestidas de branco e preto" que metiam-se na sua vida! Inventavam coisas sobre ele... Daí fizeram-lhe a sua vida num Inferno!
Inventaram coisas como ele ser pedófilo (o que é mentira...), mentiram em relação de ele mudar a sua própria pele... enfim.. Disparates!!
Epah.. agora já é tarde... Sinceramente...
Tenho pena... pois um grande músico foi-se embora...
não só porque ele era um músico maravilhoso... mas também pelo facto de ele estender a mão a milhares de crianças.. e ajudá-las...
ele ajudou bastante este mundo cruel...
Espero que parem, e pensem um bocadinho....
E verão que tenho razão!
Bem... Agora vou-me andando...
Espero que compreendam, aquilo que milhares de fãs, e a sua família e aqueles em que ele ajudou, sentem...
Fiquem bem...
Michael Jackson <3


Everyday I pray,

for you and the children,

I wait fot you to say,

Another sign for me to listen,

Please hear my thoughs,

my dreams and my singing,

and tell me...

Will you help me, at the beggining?
Will you be my Guardian Angel?
Am I safe? Or in danger?
Please help me, my sweet little angel...

I know that many people destroyed you,
But, stop the time, and whisper...
Am I enough to help you?
Am I better than my sister?
Please hear my thoughs,
my dreams and my singing
and tell me...

Will you help me, at the beggining?
Will you be my Guardian Angel?
Am I safe? Or in danger?
Please help me, my sweet little angel...

One day, you'll be on my side,

and you will see me do your job,

so that you see that I didn't lied!

You whisper in my ear, and tell:

"Thank you to finish what I started"

And in that moment I'll give you my hand

and I started to ask as well:

Will you help me, at the beggining?
Will you be my Guardian Angel?
Am I safe? Or in danger?
Please help me, my sweet little angel...

the end <3

domingo, 19 de julho de 2009

You'll be always in my heart

I've dream with you last night

I look how you we're
I hope you'll be with me tonight
and you have to sware...
that you will be there!

You will be always in my heart,
before I didn't knew what you've done!
But now, I feel apart,
Because you're gone...

For me, you're still alive,
Because your hard work didn't die!
you will never feel beside,
Because you'te not a lie,
you're the truth!

You will be always in my heart,
before I didn't knew what you've done!
But now, I feel apart,
Because you're gone...

Stay beside me,
Sing in my ear,
Don't ever leave me,
Because I need you, my dear...
Help me, to help the children,
Thank you so much for listen...

you will be always in my heart
before I didn't knew what you've done!
But now, I feel apart,
Because you're gone...


This song... is very special! when my band and I gave a concert... and if somebody film it... I will tell you why is important... I will just tell that the thing that is in italic and negrito is important! xD =)